LensWork Monograph #8

Sand, Stone, and Sandstone

by Bruce Barnbaum

  • 65 images, 72 pages
  • Book dimensions: 9" wide by 8" tall
  • The quality printing you've come to expect from LensWork

    From the introduction by Bruce Barnbaum:

    The great naturalist, John Muir, said, “When you try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.” Following that dictum  I hitch three things together in this monograph that I feel are inseparable. My dictionary says that sand is loose, gritty particles of worn disintegrated rock. It tells me that sandstone is a common sedimentary rock consisting of sand grains cemented together by silica, lime and other minerals. It also tells me that stone is the hard, solid, non-metallic mineral matter of which rock is composed. Here I choose the expansive definition of stone, as shaped by humanity for our purposes, but also rock shaped by natural forces over the millennia into its earthly forms. The relationships are apparent. They confirm that the three are closely hitched together.

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