Feature Portfolio Projects
40 to 60+ image submissions
For this submission, we need 40-60+ images so we can create layouts that typically have 16-22 images in our Print and Tablet edition, more in our Extended Computer edition where we have no page count restrictions. We ask for 40-60+ images so we have flexibility in choosing facing pairs, sequencing, and multiple images on a page. Here is a sample spread showing three images on facing pages in the Print edition.

Below is a sample title page.

Title page layouts include your signature graphic, head shot, and a short introductory text.
Image Suite
10 to 15 (max) image submissions
Image Suites are smaller projects of 5-9 images, in the spirit of Seeing in SIXES but with more flexibility in the image count. We like these submissions to include 10-15 images so we have some flexibility in facing pairs, but you need only send in 5-9 images if that is your finished project. Published Image Suites are limited to 9 images.
We allow ourselves a bit more freedom in the layout of Image Suites. Here is an example with a ghosted background. We also occasionally use double-truck layouts, edge bleeds, etc.

The title page of an Image Suite includes the title, photographer, and your contact information. Intro text is shorter and optional.

Bonus Edition Projects
As many images as you'd like
Launched in January 2024, this is our monthly digital PDF publication that is available to all subscribers of LensWork and to members of LensWork Online.
The new LensWork Bonus Editions are just that — bonus projects that are not included in any of our other publications. There will be a new Bonus Edition each month, three times the frequency of our other editions! Content will vary from issue to issue — sometimes a single photographer, sometimes multiple photographers. Sometimes with multiple projects, sometimes with a single, large project, sometimes with multimedia components, always with the best photography we find to connect you with talented and creative photographers.
We are open to ideas. Flexibility of content, layout and design, and length of project are variable. What do you have in mind? |