LensWork Monograph #14

Iterations of Man and Nature

by Mitch Dobrowner

  • 66 images, 72 pages
  • Book dimensions: 9" wide by 8" tall
  • The quality printing you've come to expect from LensWork

    From the interview with Mitch Dobrwoner:

    Everybody thinks they own their house. We are invested in ownership. For me, this project allowed me to apply a bit of a cosmic zoom. We don’t own the planet. We are only here for a blink in time. Living on this rock that is spinning through endless space, we are not even a drop in the bucket. We are just borrowing the planet for a little time and it is up to us to take care of it — if not for ourselves, then for our children, grandchildren, and future generations. We may as well try to see the beauty where we can, and endeavor to care for and enjoy our temporary home — which, as far as I can see, is pretty amazing.

3 monographs


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