Announcing the 2024 LensWork Community Book Project
Legacy 2024. Presenting the very best of our LensWork Readers!
As we’ve done for the last eight years, this book will feature the work of our readers — like you! perhaps you! — printed with the quality you’ve come to expect from us. This promises to be an important and substantial survey of the LensWork community, subscribers as well as non-subscribers. And new for 2024, we will also be publishing an expanded digital version of Legacy 2024. This will allow us to include many more photographers and lots more outstanding imagery.
- New this year! All subscribers to LensWork will received a copy of the book whether or not you enter. If you are not a subscriber to LensWork or would like additional copies, books will be available for sale at a pre-publication discount.
- New this year! There are no restrictions whatsoever on subject matter, treatment, or creative vision. The only thing to keep in mind is that you can enter single images, trilogies, or "Seeing in SIXES" projects only.
- Each photographer who is selected for publication will be limited to one image/project in the final publications. We want to publish as many photographers as we can!
- Black-and-white or color
- No titles or text needed. Just images! We would, however, suggest that a title for a Seeing in SIXES project usually makes the project better.
- You may submit as many images/projects as you want. You are not limited to your initial entry.
- New this year! Each entry submitted must include either: Single images (up to three) for $30, or; Two three-image "trilogies" for $30, or; a Seeing in SIXES project for $30. Same price for any of these formats — you choose your strongest work! Choose your format!
3 — Single images (up to three per entry)
2 — Three-image "Trilogies" projects (two per entry)
1 — "Seeing in SIXES" (one 6-image project per entry)
New this year! We’re excited to publish the best of your images in book form and as a digital PDF, knowing they will be appreciated around the world on both formats.
If you are not familiar with our previous LensWork Community Book Projects, here are some sample pages from previous publications.
Single image sample pages
Trilogies sample two-page spreads

Seeing in SIXES sample 6-image sample pages
