Here's a thought

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HT1940 - The Associated Idea

One of the fundamental responses to a photograph is, "This reminds me of... " Said another way, one of the most powerful aspects of a photograph is its ability to function as a metaphor for something else. Photographs are a mirror, a pathway, a door. It's this aspect of photography that makes it an art medium.


HT1941 - Upgrading

From about 2005 onward, it seems like I was buying an upgraded digital camera about every year for a dozen years. My current cameras were introduced in 2017. I have not been tempted to upgrade since then for the simple reason that the newer models have not offered any features I feel I need that my current cameras are missing. What would tempt me to upgrade?


HT1942 - The Problem with Cameras

Cameras are marvelous devices that do incredible things. The problem is they can do none of those things if you don't have it with you when the photographic opportunity appears. Mark Twain said that those who don't read have no advantage over those who can't. The same could be said about making pictures. A person who leaves their camera at home has no advantage over those who don't own a camera.


HT1943 - What You Are Working On, What You Have Finished

No one cares what you are working on. No one ever will care what you are working on. It's only what you have finished that matters or will possibly survive you.


HT1944 - Different Sources of Illumination

The key attribute of travel photography is seeing something new. Seeing something new is the topic for this thought. But travel is difficult, expensive, and takes a lot of time. What if we could invoke that idea of seeing something new by simply changing the source of light? What if we photographed in our home or neighborhood with illumination by candlelight, flashlight, portable video lights, or reflected flash photography?


HT1945 - Parallel Light

A lot of photography instructors these days talk about "good light" and "bad light," in particular morning light and evening light. It's been my experience that morning light and evening light are great not because of the time of day but rather because of a characteristic I think of as "parallel light."


HT1946 - The Square Format

For most of my life I've used rectangular aspect ratios almost exclusively. But there is something fascinating about the square format that's always tugged at my heartstrings. I think I may have figured out one of the characteristics of the square format that is so appealing.


HT1947 - Two Alternative Presentation Ideas

Framing is a classic and terrific way to showcase a photograph, but it can be expensive. Folios are also a great way to showcase a group of photographs, but since I departed on my travel adventure, I haven't had a workspace that allowed me to create folios. Here are two presentation ideas I've recently discovered that have me thinking


HT1948 - Our Youth-Oriented Culture

We live in an age that celebrates the New. Part of that is technology driven, but a lot of it is also a result of our advertising driven media. When it comes to art, it's too bad we don't celebrate wisdom and insight as much as we do the innovative, the new, and the hip.


HT1949 - Love of Photography, Love of Photographs

I hope I'm not splitting hairs here, but which do you love more, Photography or Photographs? Photography is a process; photographs are a point of connection and sharing. Understanding this difference about ourselves helps clarify where to focus our activities. For example, I'd much rather spend time looking at, thinking about, and discussing photographs than I would spending time in the darkroom.


HT1950 - A Visual Diary Project

I've never done a visual diary project, but I've seen quite a number of them over the years. There's something fascinating about a daily image combined with commentary of the moment, that creates a personal history. I've always been hesitant to start one because it could go on forever. But it doesn't have to! Why not just a week, 10 days, a month, a season?


HT1951 - Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral

I remember once attending a lecture on photography (I don't remember who) in which it was suggested that a productive way to think about photographing was a variation on the old animal, vegetable, or mineral game. The variation, he proposed, was to replace animal with things that move, replace vegetable with things that grow, and think of mineral as inorganic stuff. He suggested that photographs that contain all three elements are likely to be more interesting than those that don't.


HT1952 - Portraits of Doing

I suppose because we are people, we enjoy looking at photographs of people. I have noticed, however, that I'm much more drawn to portraits that show someone doing something rather than showing merely what they look like.

All 1900+ previous Here's a Thought are available to members of LensWork Online


HT1953 - The Spirit of Repetition

There is an old Zen saying that when the spirit of repetition leaves you, your work will become difficult. Remembering this wisdom helped me through many hours of washing darkroom trays, spotting prints, and organizing images with keywords in my Lightroom catalog.


HT1954 - Critique via F-T-R

When you look at a photograph, rather than judging whether or not it is a good photograph or a bad photograph, whether you like it or not, whether you think it would look good hanging in your living room, it's much more interesting to ask how you F-T-R — feel, think, and respond. If you were a member of a photo group or workshop, I might suggest this is also a great way to do group critiques.













































