All Channels |
2022 Schedule |
Here's a Thought …
Short audios with snippets, fragments, morsels, and tidbits from Brooks' fertile (and sometimes swiss-cheesy) brain.
Video and audio 1-3 minutes
Pretty much daily |
Every Picture is a Compromise |
This is a series about my also-rans, some of which I've been able to improve at bit (i.e., "best effort"), none of which I would consider my best. With each there are lessons worth sharing. A new image Monday-Friday, five days a week.
A new episode every week day |
Podcast on Photography and the Creative Process |
An in depth look at photography and the creative process
Audio only, typically 10-15 min.
A new episode every Monday |
Finding the Picture |
How do you "find the picture" in the chaos of life?
Image examples with text
A new post every Monday |
Looking at Images
Commentary by Brooks Jensen on images that have appeared in LensWork
Image commentary in both audio and text
A new commentary every Tuesday |
Interview Spotlight |
Excerpts from our interviews with photographers who have appeared in LensWork
Audio only 5-15 minutes or so
New upload every Tuesday |
Seeing in SIXES Commentaries |
Every project in Seeing in SIXES offers clues to how to make small projects succeed.
Audio commentaries
New commentary every Wednesday |
New for 2022!
Web Gems |
Interesting images and websites we've found on the Web that you should check out. Lots of good stuff out there!
Audio with web link
New web gem every Wednesday |
Exploring the Back Issues |
Not everyone has a complete set of back issues of LensWork, so this new weekly post provides an in-depth look with commentary of a portfolio from a back issue you might have missed!
New post every Thursday |
Q&A — Ask Brooks (and friends)! |
Have a question for Brooks? Here's your chance to hear Brooks (and sometimes his friends and guests) discuss your questions!
New post every Thursday |
Voice of the Masters |
Archive audio recorded from live workshops and lectures
Audio only Archive recordings from live events, often an hour or so, sometimes less
New upload every Friday |
New for 2022!
Evolution of an Image |
From RAW capture to published image.
New post every Friday |
Content, content, and more content on photography and your creative life. |